About me

I am a postdoctoral researcher in computer science at University of Helsinki in the Constraint Reasoning and Optimization group. In my research I tackle computationally hard combinatorial search and optimization problems with declarative methods. My doctoral research focused on encoding reasoning with computational argumentation into Boolean satisfiability (SAT) and answer set programs (ASP) and using state-of-the-art solvers.


  • [September 2023] Two papers accepted at KR’23
    • Argumentative Reasoning in ASPIC+ under Incomplete Information
    • Argumentation Frameworks Induced by Assumption-based Argumentation: Relating Size and Complexity
  • [September 2023] An invited paper at Arg&App workshop @ KR’23: Design of ICCMA 2023, 5th International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation: A Preliminary Report
  • [June 2023] I defended my PhD thesis Computational Approaches to Reasoning in Structured Argumentation with Henry Prakken as the opponent. The thesis was accepted with distinction.
  • [2023] I am organizing the argumentation system competition ICCMA 2023 together with Matti Järvisalo and Andreas Niskanen.
