Source code and details

ASPforABA implements reasoning in the structured argumentation formalism of assumption-based argumentation (ABA) by making use of anwer set programming (ASP) solving techniques. The approach, as detailed in [1,2], covers various central argumentation semantics and different reasoning modes through either direct ASP encodings or counterexample-guided abstraction refinement algorithms that make use of incremental ASP solving.

ASPforABA is the state-of-the-art system (as of 2023) for acceptance problems and finding extensions in ABA. It placed first in all ABA subtracks in ICCMA 2023 (the 5th International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation).


[1] Declarative Algorithms and Complexity Results for Assumption-Based Argumentation. Tuomo Lehtonen, Johannes P. Wallner, Matti Järvisalo. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 71: 265-318, 2021.

[2] Harnessing Incremental Answer Set Solving for Reasoning in Assumption-Based Argumentation. Tuomo Lehtonen, Johannes P. Wallner, Matti Järvisalo. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 21(6): 717-734, 2021.