
Source code and details

AcbAr is a system for deciding credulous acceptance in the structured argumentation formalism assumption-based argumentation (ABA). The system avoids the exponential blow-up of argument framework construction by translating a given ABA framework to an atomic ABA framework, where the body of each rule contains only assumptions. The number of arguments from an atomic ABA framework is polynomially bounded, and the resulting polynomial-sized abstract argumentation framework (AF) is solved with an AF solver.

AcbAr placed second in the ABA track of the 5th International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation.


[1] Argumentation Frameworks Induced by Assumption-based Argumentation: Relating Size and Complexity. Tuomo Lehtonen, Anna Rapberger, Markus Ulbricht, Johannes P. Wallner. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2023), pages 440-450, 2023.